Overview of the development process of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy
Overview of development of the draft National Suicide Prevention Strategy
The National Suicide Prevention Office (NSPO) has been working to develop the draft National Suicide Prevention Strategy since mid-2022. We are pleased to outline the progress to date and next steps towards release for public consultation below. The team is currently working in the ‘Government Consultation’ phase.
Structure and scoping:
Work began on the conceptual framework of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy in mid-2022.
A scoping paper was released for public consultation in October 2022. Feedback from the consultation was used to further inform the structure and content.
To ensure the Strategy is guided by the recommendations of experts and aligns with existing work at national, state and territory levels, the actions have been informed by 35 existing agreements, plans, strategies, reports, submissions and inquiries. This includes the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health and the National Suicide Prevention Adviser’s Final Advice.
The University of Melbourne was commissioned to produce a series of academic papers and evidence briefs to ensure the actions are firmly grounded in the best available evidence.
The team has also worked to ensure the actions have been guided by the expertise of people with lived and living experience of suicide, so they reflect the reality of the issues and gaps in current approaches. This evidence has been gathered through:
Compassion First,which outlines the experiences of 3,000 people with lived and living experience of suicide.
Targeted consultations conducted throughout 2023 with over 170 people including representatives of populations disproportionately impacted by suicide.
A workshop conducted at the Roses in the Ocean Lived Experience Summit 2023, which included 230 participants.
Initial draft & review:
Development of the recommendations and content of the Strategy has been overseen by a strong governance structure (outlined below). Drafting has progressed through an iterative process, with content reviewed by the NSPO Lived Experience Partnership Group, Advisory Board, working groups and the Scientific Adviser.
Government Consultation
Throughout the drafting process, the NSPO has also worked with state and territory suicide prevention lead agencies through the Jurisdiction Collaborative Forum. This group was convened by the NSPO with the aim of drawing on the expertise of these agencies in designing and delivering suicide prevention reforms, and to ensure alignment of the National Strategy with suicide prevention activities across jurisdictions. This group will be integral to the consultation with state and territory governments.
The NSPO is currently consulting Commonwealth departments to garner support for the Strategy's recommendations and the need for their implementation.
Public Consultation
The draft Strategy will be released for public consultation in early 2024 with the view that the consultation will be open for 6 weeks. The feedback will then be incorporated, and a report produced detailing how the feedback informed the Strategy. The team will then work towards finalising the Strategy in preparation for release.
Overview of development of the draft National Suicide Prevention Strategy
The National Suicide Prevention Office (NSPO) has been working to develop the draft National Suicide Prevention Strategy since mid-2022. We are pleased to outline the progress to date and next steps towards release for public consultation below. The team is currently working in the ‘Government Consultation’ phase.
Structure and scoping:
Work began on the conceptual framework of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy in mid-2022.
A scoping paper was released for public consultation in October 2022. Feedback from the consultation was used to further inform the structure and content.
To ensure the Strategy is guided by the recommendations of experts and aligns with existing work at national, state and territory levels, the actions have been informed by 35 existing agreements, plans, strategies, reports, submissions and inquiries. This includes the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health and the National Suicide Prevention Adviser’s Final Advice.
The University of Melbourne was commissioned to produce a series of academic papers and evidence briefs to ensure the actions are firmly grounded in the best available evidence.
The team has also worked to ensure the actions have been guided by the expertise of people with lived and living experience of suicide, so they reflect the reality of the issues and gaps in current approaches. This evidence has been gathered through:
Compassion First,which outlines the experiences of 3,000 people with lived and living experience of suicide.
Targeted consultations conducted throughout 2023 with over 170 people including representatives of populations disproportionately impacted by suicide.
A workshop conducted at the Roses in the Ocean Lived Experience Summit 2023, which included 230 participants.
Initial draft & review:
Development of the recommendations and content of the Strategy has been overseen by a strong governance structure (outlined below). Drafting has progressed through an iterative process, with content reviewed by the NSPO Lived Experience Partnership Group, Advisory Board, working groups and the Scientific Adviser.
Government Consultation
Throughout the drafting process, the NSPO has also worked with state and territory suicide prevention lead agencies through the Jurisdiction Collaborative Forum. This group was convened by the NSPO with the aim of drawing on the expertise of these agencies in designing and delivering suicide prevention reforms, and to ensure alignment of the National Strategy with suicide prevention activities across jurisdictions. This group will be integral to the consultation with state and territory governments.
The NSPO is currently consulting Commonwealth departments to garner support for the Strategy's recommendations and the need for their implementation.
Public Consultation
The draft Strategy will be released for public consultation in early 2024 with the view that the consultation will be open for 6 weeks. The feedback will then be incorporated, and a report produced detailing how the feedback informed the Strategy. The team will then work towards finalising the Strategy in preparation for release.