Thank you for assisting us to refine the Vision Statement for the NSPO. Can we please ask you to indicate which of the below vision statements you feel would best represent the intention of the NSPO. Please rank from number 1 being your most preferred, to number 11 being your least preferred.
At the end of the survey there is opportunity to include some feedback or a vision you would like considered.
We will bring the highest ranking visions to the next LEPG for further discussion along with any suggested visions.
With thanks,
the NSPO team.
Thank you for assisting us to refine the Vision Statement for the NSPO. Can we please ask you to indicate which of the below vision statements you feel would best represent the intention of the NSPO. Please rank from number 1 being your most preferred, to number 11 being your least preferred.
At the end of the survey there is opportunity to include some feedback or a vision you would like considered.
We will bring the highest ranking visions to the next LEPG for further discussion along with any suggested visions.