LEPG Design Group, 101 session and break out group survey
Dear LEPG Members
As discussed in our June meeting, the following survey will provide you with the opportunity to let us know:
1 your preference for lived experience participation in the design group
2.your availability to participate in the 101 outcomes Framework session
3. your preference for involvement in the breakout groups to develop the outcomes framework map.
Considerations for Question 1: Lived experience representation in the Design group:
The survey below will put forward the following option with request you rank your preference from 1 - 3. With 1 being your most favoured option and 3 being your least favoured option:
How should people with lived experience be represented on the design group
2 LEPG members (using a transparent assessment process against the needs / purpose of the group in the event of more than 2 nominations).
2 people selected through an external EOI process (with LEPG input).
1 LEPG member and 1 person selected through an external EOI process (with LEPG input).
Below the team have put together some pros and cons for each option that may be helpful prompts for your consideration:
Option 1.
Provides stronger continuity of input from the LEPG and through to the design group
Reduced scope for new ideas and perspectives
Quicker appointment process
Limits opportunities for other people with lived and living experiences of suicide to directly influence the NSPO’s work
Option 2.
Opportunity for new people to contribute ideas and perspectives
Slower process due to need for EOI and selection process involving the LEPG
Development opportunity for new people
Extensive handover would be needed between development process and design group
Option 3.
Opportunity for a new person to contribute ideas and perspectives
Slower process due to need for EOI and selection process involving the LEPG
Development opportunity for new person
Some handover would be needed between development process and design group
To respond to the survey, please click the 'Take Survey' button below. Thank you for letting us know your preferences before midday Monday 24 June 2024.
With thanks
Dear LEPG Members
As discussed in our June meeting, the following survey will provide you with the opportunity to let us know:
1 your preference for lived experience participation in the design group
2.your availability to participate in the 101 outcomes Framework session
3. your preference for involvement in the breakout groups to develop the outcomes framework map.
Considerations for Question 1: Lived experience representation in the Design group:
The survey below will put forward the following option with request you rank your preference from 1 - 3. With 1 being your most favoured option and 3 being your least favoured option:
How should people with lived experience be represented on the design group
2 LEPG members (using a transparent assessment process against the needs / purpose of the group in the event of more than 2 nominations).
2 people selected through an external EOI process (with LEPG input).
1 LEPG member and 1 person selected through an external EOI process (with LEPG input).
Below the team have put together some pros and cons for each option that may be helpful prompts for your consideration:
Option 1.
Provides stronger continuity of input from the LEPG and through to the design group
Reduced scope for new ideas and perspectives
Quicker appointment process
Limits opportunities for other people with lived and living experiences of suicide to directly influence the NSPO’s work
Option 2.
Opportunity for new people to contribute ideas and perspectives
Slower process due to need for EOI and selection process involving the LEPG
Development opportunity for new people
Extensive handover would be needed between development process and design group
Option 3.
Opportunity for a new person to contribute ideas and perspectives
Slower process due to need for EOI and selection process involving the LEPG
Development opportunity for new person
Some handover would be needed between development process and design group
To respond to the survey, please click the 'Take Survey' button below. Thank you for letting us know your preferences before midday Monday 24 June 2024.