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Public Consultation Draft National Suicide Prevention Strategy with logo Image of Australia

SURVEY - Public consultation on the draft Advice on the National Suicide Prevention Strategy

About this Survey 

This survey seeks your feedback on the draft Advice on the National Suicide Prevention Strategy (Advice on the Strategy). Your feedback will help to inform advice to Government from the National Suicide Prevention Office on a National Suicide Prevention Strategy.

To be truly effective we need a comprehensive suicide prevention system that: 

  • Acts to prevent people from reaching the point of suicidal distress in the first place.  

This can be achieved by taking proactive steps to address areas of disadvantage and adversity that contribute to distress before they escalate into suicidal thoughts or attempts. 

  • Strengthens the support system to ensure that when a person does experience suicidal distress, support is accessible, compassionate, and effective. 

The support system must be able to respond to individual needs and circumstances, be better equipped to address the full range of factors underlying a person’s distress and aim to restore wellbeing.  

  • Is sustained by collective effort from governments, sectors beyond health, service providers, and communities.  

The system needs to be supported by greater accountability, more research and better data, and a stronger suicide prevention workforce. This will require the voices and expertise of lived and living experience to be embedded in the heart of policy design and implementation. 

The survey will ask your thoughts on: 

  • How well the Advice on the Strategy articulates what is required for long term change in suicide prevention

  • If there is anything critical that the Advice on the Strategy is missing that should be included 

  • If you think any of the recommended actions need greater clarification or explanation 

  • Which actions you believe should be prioritised.

We request that you read the Advice on the National Suicide Prevention Strategy Consultation draft prior to completing the survey. You may find it helpful to open a copy of the draft Strategy in another window while you complete the survey.

You do not have to answer every question. 

Please take care of yourself as you read the Advice on the Strategy and ask for help if needed. Support is always available. You can access support and information via the organisations listed on the National Suicide Prevention Office’s Find support webpage. 

Privacy Statement 

We are grateful that you are taking the time to provide your feedback on the draft Advice on the Strategy. We understand and take seriously your privacy and the sensitivity of the information you provide.  The National Suicide Prevention Office will use the information collected through this consultation for the purpose of informing the development of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy. It way also inform the National Suicide Prevention Office's broader work in monitoring, reporting and providing advice on Australia's suicide prevention system.

Where you (or another person) are reasonably identifiable from your survey response, your personal information will be protected in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles. The National Suicide Prevention Office is administratively located within the National Mental Health Commission. For more information on the National Mental Health Commission's privacy practices and the contact details of our Privacy Officer, please click on the following link and refer to the National Mental Health Commission’s privacy.  KPMG has been engaged by the National Suicide Prevention Office to collate and categorise the feedback received on the draft Advice on the Strategy. Your feedback, personal and sensitive information will be shared with KPMG for this purpose. KPMG is contractually bound to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles. 

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*If you select ‘No’ you are advising the National Suicide Prevention Office you do not consent to this privacy agreement. This will mean that you cannot complete the survey and your feedback cannot be considered.